Jul 30, 2014

Sambal Goreng Petis

1 1/2 gelas santarn dari 1/2 butir kelapa
2 sdm petis udang
minyak untuk menumis
1 cup petis Ny Siok

Lebaran Time

Lebaran. It is the most awaited time after Ramadhan. Eid -al- Fitr comees from Arabic language which means "Days to Eat". However, this Ramadhan I am  lucky to have this year's Eid with my family. Usually I just stretch myself thin allover Indonesia.

Living room

Sambal kerecek, everyone's favorites!

 Old school chocolate cake..

In the kitchen. Sambal goreng ati, sambal kerecek and soto padang condiments.

the Heru Nova's family. I knew he's smiling from heaven when he sees this picture!

Wish you all the best Eid al Fitr!


Jul 29, 2014

Review: Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow

For practical purpose, I have been a loyal devotee to waterproof, no-touch-up needed foundation when I have heavy duty job. I am talking about my ol' reliable Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation. Heavy? Yes. Need a quick hand because it tends to be dry and flaky during application? Yes. Flat matte finish? Yes. Heck, my face is gonna be tad oily by noon anyway!

Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow, is quite the opposite of Estee Lauder Double Wear. The formula is lightweight, and definitely will not suffocate pores. Thanks for it's non oil formula, this foundation would suit any skin type. The coverage is light to medium, and it will not look cakey on layering.The formula contains titanium oxide as sunscreen (SPF 25PA+++), vitamin C and E derivatives.