Aug 6, 2014

Beauty Routine

Hellaa..  Ramadhan month is passed, and in this Syawal month, some people I have a tendency to put on some weight if I do not watch my intake. I plan to live healthy by eating responsibly and incorporate healthy habits. I had some pertaining issues with my skin and hair conditions. My skin was perched and super dry last month, and I should say brown spots and fine lines under my eyes decided to step up to warn me about how bad I had treat my body. Yes, last two months has been physically demanding. I had to cover other hospitals in other districts and that burned me out. But, I won't let another excuse again. I have to do what I have to do.

Thus, I change my skincare regimen.

Aug 5, 2014


I love perfumes. I use it sparingly, only at certain moods and occasions. Well, I like soft, powdery, flowery perfume. However, my nose usually search for certain fragrance which reminds me of my childhood memories, or certain people in my life. I always associate my late grandmother with L'Air du Temps and my late mother with Eau de Val from L'Occitane. Unfortunately, Eau de Val (Magnolia)  is discontinued. And me and my childhood  memories still searching for that fragrance. 

I like to try out new perfume, but I my staples are pretty consistent. They are Diorissimo, Chanel Beige, and I have two newcomers which are quite refreshing. Acca Kappa Glicine and Crabtree and Evelyn's Wisteria. Too bad, my Diorissimo bottle is left at my dad's house.. so.. I just have 3 of them to be shown here.  

Review: LANEIGE Snow BB Soothing Cushion

Hello semuanya.. How's your August days coming? Di Tangerang.. cerah banget dan sudah jam 2 siang tapi masih panas banget di luar. Untungnya hari ini nggak banyak wira wiri ke lapangan..
Dan.. kali ini aku mau nge-review LANEIGE Snow BB Soothing Cushion. Sebenernya, saat saya nggak ke konter Laneige nggak pengen beli Cushion BB ini. Saya tadinya pengen beli  foundation dan concealer nya yang 2 in 1. Terus, saya ngeliat si Cushion BB Cream ini kok kiyut banget yahhh...

I never had my hands on cushion-y type BB Cream. Tapii, pas dipakai keren menurut saya.. Why.. I'll describe it below..

Aug 2, 2014

august challenge

Tidak terasa, sudah sebulan saya pindah dari apartemen ke rumah. Dan, berhubung di rumah, saya jadi bisa ke dapur lebih leluasa. Bulan kemarin rasanya life style nggak sehat banget. Selalu makan di luar, tidak pernah masak, makanan yang lewat mulut tidak pernah diperhatikan.  Kebiasaan ini kayaknya sudah sekitar 12 tahun saya jalani, terutama saat ko-ass dan residen... Tepok jidat...

Tapi saya harus berubah untuk lebih sehat dan happy!  Saya pengen hidup yang seimbang dan konsisten jadi lebih baik. 

=My August Challenge=
1. Drink Citron Presse atau sari tomat (pressed tomato) everyday, setidaknya 1 gelas sehari
2. Eat my own cooking at least once a day 
3. Have a breakfast

Resep Citron Presse
Peras 2 jeruk lemon
Tambahkan 1 liter air
2 buah lemon diiris
Sedikit madu (biasanya saya pakai 1/2 sdt madu untuk 1 gelas citron presse)
Masukkan di kulkas, tahan maximal 24 jam.

Kalau saya sih lebih senang pakai jeruk nipis asli Indonesia dibanding lemon import, karena menurut saya aroma dan rasanya lebih punchy!

Pressed Tomato
1 kg tomat matang, cuci bersih
1 liter air didihkan pada panci bertutup

Setelah air mendidih, matikan api. Masukkan tomat utuh ke dalam panci, dan tutup.
Biarkan 1 jam sampai tomat lunak (tomat yang dimasak kadar licopene nya akan makin tinggi!).
Di atas saringan besi, hancurkan tomat dengan sendok sampai sarinya keluar.

Biasanya tomat saya rendam dalam air mendidih  pagi hari sebelum berangkat kerja, jadi pas pulang kerja, tinggal di press.

I will update this at the end of August. How's your early August my friend? Mine is kind of slow and steady...