Oct 13, 2014

Dukan strikes back!

Yes, I have been quit my Dukan diet for months. I used to be 83 kg earlier this year, but through Dukaning- I could reach 74 kg. However, the scale has tipped again to 78 and I guess I need to do it again. After 2 Lebaran, I guess this is the perfect time to do Dukan again. Well, somehow I do not feel this is like a strain, but much more like a step recasting myself. If I look at the chart, then perhaps I will be in my normal weight in February! I wish.. Even to lose a single kilo, then I'd be a happy girl!

My notes from previous Dukan attempts:
1. Start diet at night
2. Store pre cooked food. I think poached fish and chicken is best.
3. Make food for your loved ones
4. Store Shirataki noodle and tuna
5. Make tonnes of hard-boiled eggs, but only eat 2 yolks a day
6. Season the food
7. Be happy

Oct 6, 2014


Hiya! When I set up this blog, I really want to write for myself.  I want to have a nice and clean design. However, I also have limited knowledge on HTML editing, as well as limited budget. So.. I browse around internet for setting my blog up.

1. Pick up a design
The best things in life are free. Perhaps, in my sense of blog & design, it also applies. I bought several blogger template from Etsy, and I figured out that galauness template works best for me. I like the clean, crisp, and clutter-free design which is designed by an Indonesian!

2. Learn how to make a menu.
There are a gazillion tutorials out there. However, since mine has a pre made menu, I just need to skew the HTML a little. I change the "sub-categories" into post labels. This works very easy for me. xomisse.com is a useful website to learn editing HTML stuffs.

3. Designing Header
I design my header in pic monkey. Super easy to use, and they have a very funny tutorial.

Well, I am hooked on "Rude" by Magic. How bout you? And I found out that Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift's song is adorable..

Sep 23, 2014

Beauty blogger on the run

Ha.. I am trying to write this blog on my iPhone. And it's very very fast.i guess the SwiftKey program  is really working on iPhone compare to iPad. It goes on smoothly and I don't really have to lurl around the key.

anyhow, my post is about getting ready in the car. I know.. Putting up soon care in car during traffic is very inconvenient, but sometimes i really hope i have more time to get ready. Because between soon care and breakfast, i absolutely would choose big healthy breakfast. That means i will put my toner and everything in the car.

Skincare on the go
1. Facial treatment essence by skii, decanted in atomizer.
2. Olay serum
3. Olay moisturiser
4. Bobbi Brown bb cream
5. Bobbi Brown corrector
6. Bobbi Brown extra bright powder
7. Bobbi Brown brow gel
8. Bobbi Brown blush in tawny
9. Bobbi brown finishing powder in bronze
10. Bobbi Brown lipstick in guava
11. YSL shimmer gloss
12. Bodyshop carbon definer eyeliner
13. Bodyshop eyeshadow in coconut
14. Loreal mascara 

Sep 9, 2014


Tiap kali saya melihat Robin Williams, pastilah yang saya ingat Dead Poets Society. Film yang saya tonton semasa masih kuliah di Jatinangor circa tahun 2000-an. Sebagai anak culun dan senang hal-hal berbau sastra, film, seni- sangat susah ketemu orang yang klik di Jatinangor (hmm.. nyari angkot ke RS aja susah jaman itu..). Gw gak tahu gimana caranya lolos dari sana, gw gak senang tempat kuliah-nya- feeling like I  hit a stumbling block all the time.

Saya menemukan pencerahan di perpustakaan BatuApi di Jatinangor. Koleksi buku, musik dan filem nya ngebikin tinggal di Jatinangor betah. Mungkin beberapa orang nggak perlu motivasi yang besar untuk kuliah, cuman buat saya yang waktu itu sama sekali nggak niat ambil kedokteran- yahh saya benar-benar perlu "aspiring moments", which was quite difficult that time. When I had the passion, feel connected to life, then I really could fly..  Lucunya, setelah ketemu komunitas ini, nilai saya juga semakin membaik (no nyontek, no her), dan bisa lulus tepat waktu (padahal sy lebih sering main!". IDK..  That time was weird.

Carpe Diem
Seize the Day!