Oct 13, 2014

Dukan strikes back!

Yes, I have been quit my Dukan diet for months. I used to be 83 kg earlier this year, but through Dukaning- I could reach 74 kg. However, the scale has tipped again to 78 and I guess I need to do it again. After 2 Lebaran, I guess this is the perfect time to do Dukan again. Well, somehow I do not feel this is like a strain, but much more like a step recasting myself. If I look at the chart, then perhaps I will be in my normal weight in February! I wish.. Even to lose a single kilo, then I'd be a happy girl!

My notes from previous Dukan attempts:
1. Start diet at night
2. Store pre cooked food. I think poached fish and chicken is best.
3. Make food for your loved ones
4. Store Shirataki noodle and tuna
5. Make tonnes of hard-boiled eggs, but only eat 2 yolks a day
6. Season the food
7. Be happy

Oct 6, 2014


Hiya! When I set up this blog, I really want to write for myself.  I want to have a nice and clean design. However, I also have limited knowledge on HTML editing, as well as limited budget. So.. I browse around internet for setting my blog up.

1. Pick up a design
The best things in life are free. Perhaps, in my sense of blog & design, it also applies. I bought several blogger template from Etsy, and I figured out that galauness template works best for me. I like the clean, crisp, and clutter-free design which is designed by an Indonesian!

2. Learn how to make a menu.
There are a gazillion tutorials out there. However, since mine has a pre made menu, I just need to skew the HTML a little. I change the "sub-categories" into post labels. This works very easy for me. xomisse.com is a useful website to learn editing HTML stuffs.

3. Designing Header
I design my header in pic monkey. Super easy to use, and they have a very funny tutorial.

Well, I am hooked on "Rude" by Magic. How bout you? And I found out that Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift's song is adorable..